Wednesday 17 September 2014

Men's Style Essentials: Transitional Blazers for Fall & Winter

Welcome to the first of our 10 part series, The Prep Guy: Men's Style Essentials. We will be covering some topics to ensure that everyone has an amazing wardrobe for this fall and winter season. The first topic we will be covering is the Transitional Blazer. Finding the right blazer that works for both fall and winter can be tricky, especially when you have some warmer days in the fall, you do not want to be wearing heavy woollen layers. But, with your blazer you should also be offered the benefit to layer upon it to keep yourself warm in the cold winter months. 

When purchasing your blazer, you will need to consider the following:
The material composition, density of the fabric, ability to layer upon it, and also good style.

Material Composition:
To ensure that your blazer would be perfectly transitional for the seasons - make sure that it contains natural fibers. The best quality blazers are 100% wool, but wool blend options often are easier to maintain. Other natural materials include: Cotton, Silk, Vicuna, Cashmere and Linen. The Cotton and Woollen, Cashmere, Vicuna (or blended) blazers are the only types that I would recommend for the fall and winter seasons. 

The concept of finding a blazer with the right density is fairly simple, just make sure that the blazer will be dense enough to work for both fall and winter. If it is a cotton blazer - ensure that it is thick enough, but also ensure that you have freedom of movement underneath. 

Ability to Layer:
When layering underneath or over a blazer, ensure that you will not constrict yourself of movement and that you can adjust the look for weather needs. 

When picking a blazer or a suit, ensure that it is timeless - or that it could serve a purpose (worn for special occasions). Below I have selected my favourite styles that would be perfect for the upcoming season from my friends at East Dane.

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